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  • 等级:二级逆天
  • 总积分:472
  • 男,1987-01-19




ALLEGRO 快捷键设置 及其备注

2019-11-22 11:07
pcbenv  文本
source $TELENV
funckey A assign color
funckey a spin
funckey B shape add
funckey b change
funckey C copy
funckey c copy
funckey D delete
funckey d dehilight
funckey E move
funckey e move
funckey F add connect
funckey f shape select
funckey G next
funckey g Define grid
funckey H cancel
funckey h hilight
funckey I zoom in
funckey J rats net
funckey j rats net
funckey K unrats net
funckey k unrats net
funckey M mirror
funckey m mirror
funckey N shape edit boundary
funckey n cns show
funckey O zoom out
funckey P property edit
funckey p property edit
funckey Q done
funckey q delay tune
funckey R iangle 90
funckey r reports
funckey S slide
funckey s spin
funckey T swap components
funckey u status
funckey U unrats all
funckey V oops
funckey W show element
funckey w show element
funckey X create fanout
funckey Y rats all
funckey y rats all
funckey Z undo
funckey z undo
funckey 1 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top'    
funckey 2 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+'  
funckey 3 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+'                    
funckey 4 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+'  
funckey 5 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+'
funckey 6 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+'
funckey 7 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+'
funckey 8 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass bottom'

### User Preferences section
### This section is computer generated.
### Please do not modify to the end of the file.
### Place your hand edits above this section.
set allegro_etch_length_on
set allegro_dynam_timing = on
set options_no_enhanced_padentry
set infinite_cursor_bug_nt

set pcb_cursor = infinite

以上类容直接复制   快捷键设置 仅供参考

source $TELENV
funckey A assign color        赋予颜色
funckey a spin
funckey B shape add            画不规则铜皮
funckey b change
funckey C copy                       复制
funckey c copy
funckey D delete                   删除
funckey d dehilight               删除高亮
funckey E move                    移动
funckey e move
funckey F add connect          布线
funckey f shape select          指定铜皮
funckey G next
funckey g Define grid          栅格
funckey H cancel
funckey h hilight             高亮
funckey I zoom in               缩小
funckey J rats net              打开飞线
funckey j rats net
funckey K unrats net          关闭飞线
funckey k unrats net
funckey M mirror                镜像
funckey m cmgr              无效
funckey N shape edit boundary  切割铜皮
funckey n cns show            指定查看
funckey O zoom out           放大
funckey P property edit       属性编辑 (常用于电源,GND,指定十字铜编辑)
funckey p property edit
funckey Q done                   确认
funckey q delay tune               蛇线
funckey R iangle 90               90度旋转
funckey r reports                   报表
funckey S slide                     优化
funckey s spin                       指定
funckey T swap components   替换器件(封装)
funckey u status                  查看总表(器件,线,DRC等)
funckey U unrats all
funckey V oops
funckey W show element         指定网络
funckey w show element
funckey X create fanout         BGA 类扇出
funckey Y rats all
funckey y rats all
funckey Z undo
funckey z undo
funckey 1 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top' 快捷键‘1’表示切换到TOP
funckey 2 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+'快捷键‘2’表示切换到中间层2
funckey 3 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+'    快捷键‘ 3’表示切换到中间层3                    funckey 4 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+'  快捷键4’表示切换到中间层4  
funckey 5 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+' 快捷键‘ 5’表示切换到中间层5  
funckey 6 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+' 快捷键‘ 6’表示切换到中间层6
funckey 7 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+' 快捷键‘ 7’表示切换到中间层6
funckey 8 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass bottom'  快捷键8’表示切换到BOT
8层板设置为例  常用于画线时候层选择
### User Preferences section
### This section is computer generated.
### Please do not modify to the end of the file.
### Place your hand edits above this section.
set infinite_cursor_bug_nt
set pcb_cursor = infinite


下一篇: 浅谈电力CT取电CC1310测温应用




2019-12-08 11:58 -


2019-11-23 10:10 -

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