admin 发表于 2012-5-3 20:28:25

解决 win7 下 allegro 16.3 stroke editor 不能使用

*解决 win7 下 allegro 16.3 stroke editor 不能使用

我的电脑右键 > 更改设置 > 高级 > ??用户的变量 > HOME变量 > 值(例如:D:\SPB_Data)
c、导入.strokes 文件
Tool > Utilities > Stroke Editor > open 导入D:\SPB_Data\pcbenv中的.strokes 文件:
d、设置SETUP > User Preferences... > UI > input > 勾选no_drapopup这项就可以了.

  ; This example file shows how to load Skill files (those with the
  ; extension ".il" in the current directory.
  ; To use copy to allegro.ilinit if to be used by all Allegro based programs
  ; or .ilinit if intended for only one program
  ; Setting Allegro environment variable, LoadSkillFilesDebug will turn
  ; on printing the name of each file as it is loaded.
  LoadSkillFilesDebug = axlGetVariable("LoadSkillFilesDebug"))
  when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf("\n"))
  (foreach file (rexMatchList "\\.il$" (getDirFiles "."))
  when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf("Loading Skill file: %s\n" file))
  (load strcat("./" file))
  ; Load any ini files (containing axlCmdRegister)
  (foreach file (rexMatchList "\\.ini$" (getDirFiles "."))
  when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf("Loading Skill file: %s\n" file))
  (load strcat("./" file))
  when(LoadSkillFilesDebug printf("\n"))
  axlShell("strokefile allegro")
  axlMsgPut("Strokes now enabled in Allegro 16.3 base release") )
  axlTriggerSet('open 'stroke_fix_163)

ww645133040 发表于 2021-8-8 09:03:50

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