jankens 发表于 2021-10-6 10:56:08

安装pads vx 2.2 遇到 license 问题

各位大牛,我在win10(64bits)上安装了pads vx 2.2,都是按论坛上教程安装的。但是打开logic,layout都是出现以下窗口,然后进入演示模式。请问有人遇到过吗?如何解决?
No License was found for feature padslogic: You have specified the following license locations:
Using MGLS_LICENSE_FILE environment variable = C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat;
Using FlexNet default locations for license files.

The following FlexNet errors were found:
    Server C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat: SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate.
This is probably because the license is older than the application
You need to obtain a SIGN= version of this license from your vendor.
Feature:       mgc_s
Missing:       SIGN2=
License path:C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat;
FlexNet Licensing error:-114,582
For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat: SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate.
This is probably because the license is older than the application
You need to obtain a SIGN= version of this license from your vendor.
Feature:       mentorall_s
Missing:       SIGN2=
License path:C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat;
FlexNet Licensing error:-114,582
For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".

    Server C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat: SIGN= keyword required but missing from the license certificate.
This is probably because the license is older than the application
You need to obtain a SIGN= version of this license from your vendor.
Feature:       xdesigner051_c
Missing:       SIGN2=
License path:C:\MentorGraphics\License.dat;
FlexNet Licensing error:-114,582
For further information, refer to the FlexNet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".

jankens 发表于 2021-10-6 13:07:55

INCREMENT mgc_s mgcld 2031.090 06-oct-2031 0 FFC14266FACFDC44005F VENDOR_STRING=180C9721 HOSTID=98fa9bcbd3dc 4" SN=15666822 SIGN2=0
INCREMENT mgc_s mgcld 2031.090 06-oct-2031 0 FFC14266FACFDC44005F VENDOR_STRING=180C9721 HOSTID=98fa9bcbd3dc SIGN2=0 4" SN=15666822

zhang578574121 发表于 2021-10-9 08:38:25


danqpm 发表于 2021-10-9 10:30:08

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查看完整版本: 安装pads vx 2.2 遇到 license 问题