mikeduh 发表于 2024-1-22 12:30:39

Net-to-Net Spacing DRC错误标记代码为大写;相反,Same Net Spacing代码是小写的。

A – AAcuteangle to cavity edge
B – BBondPad to Bond Pad
B – LBondPad to Line
B – SBondPad to Shape
C – CComponentto cavity edge
Package to package
Soldermask to soldermask
D – CDFAPackage to package
D – DMechanicalDrill Hole to Mechanical Drill Hole
Mechanical Drill Hole to Drill Hole
Drill Hole to Drill Hole
D – INegativeplane islands
D – LMechanicalDrill Hole to Cline
Drill Hole to Cline
D – PPhaseTolerance Tolerance
Mechanical Drill Hole to Pin
Drill Hole to Pin
D – SMechanicalDrill Hole to Shape
Drill Hole to Shape
D – VMechanicalDrill Hole to Via
Drill Hole to Via
E – DMaxFinal Settle Max
Min First Switch Min
Noise Margin Min
Overshoot Max
Propagation Delay Max
Propagation Delay Min
Propagation Delay Path Type
Relative Propagation Delay Delta
Relative Propagation Delay Path Type
Relative Propagation Delay Scope
E – LLayerSets
Max Exposed Length
Total Etch Length Max
Total Etch Length Min
E – PParallelism
E – SMaxStub Length
E – TVerifySchedule
E – VMaxVia Count
E – XActiveWindow
Max Xtalk
Max Peak Xtalk
Sensitive Window
Maximum Inter Crosstalk
Maximum Intra Crosstalk
F – CBondfinger to component
Bond Pad to Component Edge
Bond Finger to cavity edge
F – FBondPad to Bond Pad (same net)
Bond Pad to Bond Pad (different net)
I – MSingle-lineImpedance Target and Tolerance
J – NAllowTs
K – BBondPad to Route Keepin
Bond Pad to Route Keepout
Bond Pad to Via Keepout
K – CPackageto place keepin
Package to place keepout
K – LLineto Route Keepin
Line to Route Keepout
K – PThruPin to Route Keepin
Thru Pin to Route Keepout
SMD to Route Keepin
SMD to Route Keepout
Test Pin to Route Keepin
Test Pin to Route Keepout
Test Pin to No Probe
K – SShapeto Route Keepin
Shape to Route Keepout
K – VViato Route Keepin
Via to Route Keepout
Via to Via Keepout
BB Via to Route Keepin
BB Via to Route Keepout
BB Via to Via Keepout
Test Via to Route Keepin
Test Via to Route Keepout
Test Via to Via Keepout
Test Via to No Probe
L – LLineto Line
L – SShapeto Line
L – WLineWidth Max
Line Width Min
Neck Max Length
Neck Min Width
M – ASoldermaskalignment
Pad Soldermask Alignment
Symbol Soldermask Alignment
M – CSymbolSoldermask to Pad Soldermask
Minimum Cavity Size
M – LSoldermaskto pad and cline
M – MPadSoldermask to Pad Soldermask
Any Metal to Any Metal Spacing
M – PSoldermaskto Pin
M – SSoldermaskto shape
M – VSoldermaskto Via
Matched Via count violation
N – SNegativePlane to Sliver
O – CObjectexposure to cavity
P – BBondPad to SMD Pin
Bond Pad to Test Pin
Bond Pad to Thru Pin
P – DMechanicalPin Antipad to Drill Hole
P – LLineto SMD Pin
Line to Test Pin
Line to Thru Pin
Mechanical Pin Antipad to Cline
P – MPastemaskpad to pastemask pad
Pastemask to package pastemask
P – PSMDPin to SMD Pin
SMD Pin to Test Pin
Test Pin to Test Pin
Thru Pin to SMD Pin
Thru Pin to Test Pin
Thru Pin to Thru Pin
Mechanical Pin Antipad to Pin
P – SShapeto SMD Pin
Shape to Test Pin
Shape to Thru Pin
Mechanical Pin Antipad to Shape
P – VSMDPin to BB Via
SMD Pin to Test Via
SMD Pin to Thru Via
Test Pin to BB Via
Test Pin to Test Via
Test Pin to Thru Via
Thru Pin to BB Via
Thru Pin to Test Via
Thru Pin to Thru Via
Mechanical Pin Antipad to Via
R – CPackageto room
S – NAllowEtch
S – SShapeto Shape
T – CTestpointloc. to component
Testpoint pad to component
Testpoint under component
V – BBondPad to BB Via
Bond Pad to Test Via
Bond Pad to Thru Via
V – GAllowPad-Pad Connect
BB Via Stagger Max
BB Via Stagger Min
Min BB Via Gap
V – LLineto BB Via
Line to Test Via
Line to Thru Via
V – NVias
Vialist constraint violation
V – SShapeto BB Via
Shape to Test Via
Shape to Thru Via
V – VBBVia to BB Via
BB Via to Test Via
Test Via to Test Via
Thru Via to BB Via
Thru Via to Test Via
Thru Via to Thru Via
W – AMin.bonding wire length
Wire to die edge angle
W – DBondingwire diameter
W – CWireto Cavity Edge Spacing
Wire End to Cavity Edge Spacing
W – EWireend to wire end
W – FWireto bond finger
W – IMax.bonding wire length
W – PWireto pin
W – WWireto wire (same profile)
W – XWireto wire (different profile)
X – DExternallyDetermined Violation

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sea_shao 发表于 2024-1-22 20:13:35

cy_ygs 发表于 2024-1-23 08:40:01

何延新 发表于 2024-1-23 08:55:41

techlink81 发表于 2024-1-23 09:00:21

captain漠九 发表于 2024-1-23 09:01:34

phw611 发表于 2024-1-23 09:15:24

tz小智 发表于 2024-1-23 09:15:35

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tz小智 发表于 2024-1-23 09:15:47

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tz小智: (2024-01-23 09:15) images/back.gif

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查看完整版本: Allegro DRC 錯誤代碼Dictionary of DRC Error Marker Codes