命运号角 发表于 2016-5-5 08:45:44


Along the same lines, by that point we should also be able to either rejuvenate the patient’s vitrified body or simply make a new, perfectly-working body. Alcor’s Medical Response Director, Francis Drake, explains: “We know we can regenerate a small organ, and grow a new heart. We know we can 3-dimensionally print cells and hearts. So at some point we would need to regenerate her entire body, or at least her organs, and put it all together. Then we’d need to transplant that brain into a new body.”
再然后我们的技术应该能把身体变年轻或者直接做一个又新又好用的。Alcor的医疗顾问Francis Drake说“我们现在可以再生小型器官,生成一个新的心脏。我们可以三维打印出细胞和心脏。所以我们也能做出一个完整的身体,至少也是各器官,然后放在一起,然后再把大脑移植进身体里。”

Plan B: Upload the person’s brain info into a virtual world

Plan B shares Plan A’s first requirement—the info about where the atoms are supposed to go—but not its need for physical assembly. Instead, Plan B relies on a hypothetical future technology called “whole brain emulation,” where an entire brain structure can be uploaded to a computer with such perfect accuracy that everything about the person is intact and alive in a virtual world.

Sounds super fun, right?

This is an option if physical revival is too difficult, or if it’s so far in the future that the physical world has actually gone out of style entirely. If humans can somehow pull off whole brain emulation, you could be revived to wake up in a magical virtual world, fully conscious and no longer confined to the limits and vulnerabilities of biology and the physical world. Please.

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-5 08:46:24

vt. 使年轻;使更新;使恢复精神;使复原
vi. 复原;变年轻

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-5 08:46:44

pull off

kingweison 发表于 2016-5-5 09:05:46

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