命运号角 发表于 2016-5-18 12:00:04


Step 12) Die for real this time

At some point, you’ll be over it. No one ever will ever ever want to live forever, a fact I realized at the end of my Graham’s Number post. When the time comes, I assume the fancy future will have some painless way to bow out—something that will cause total info death, where your data is truly unrecoverable. At that point, you’ll have lived the complete life you want to live, not a life cut short by the limitations of the medical technology of the time you happen to be born in. That’s really the way things should be.
到某些阶段你会与之接触。没人想过能真的永生,这是我写Graham’s Number写到最后意识到的。能够引起信息死亡的东西来临之时,我觉得未来会有一些没有痛苦的方法度过它,但是你的数据就真的不可恢复了。那时你早已活够本了,不是因为医疗技术的限制,而是事物发展的必然。

Now that we all know a lot more about cryonics, let’s bring back our sentence. This is where we were, and we were looking closely at the three words in the red:

Cryonics is the morbid process of freezing rich, dead people who can’t accept the concept of death, in the hopes that people from the future will be able to bring them back to life, and the community of hard-core cryonics people might also be a Scientology-like cult.

We can get rid of “rich,” because at least for younger people, cryonics can be paid for with a not-that-expensive life insurance plan.

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-18 12:01:11

bow out

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-18 12:01:33

life insurance plan
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