命运号角 发表于 2016-5-20 09:34:27


And then there’s the elephant in the room—this part of the sentence: …and the community of hard-core cryonics people might also be a Scientology-like cult.
而房间中大象问题的这句话:…and the community of hard-core cryonics people might also be a Scientology-like cult.

I put that in there because when you’re examining something that involves A) a fringe community, B) the possible concept of immortality, and C) members paying large sums of money for services that they’re told might pan out 1,000 years from now—you have no choice but to put up your “Is this a Scientology-y thing?” antenna.

One way to let that antenna do its work is to read a bunch of stuff written by smart, credible people who think the whole thing is utter BS. If anything will disenchant you to the excitement of something as out there as cryonics, it’s experts telling you why it should be ignored.

So I did that. And as I read, I weighed what I read against the rebuttal from cryonicists, which I’d often find on Alcor’s highly comprehensive FAQ page. Other resources for the cryonicist viewpoint are the thorough FAQ of the Cryonics Institute’s ex-president, Ben Best, Alcor’s Science FAQ and Alcor’s Myths page.
所以我这样去找,我浏览了Alcor网站的综合问答,仔细研究了冷冻专家的反驳言论,还有冷冻前任主席Ben Best的观点、Alcor的科学问答、Alcor的漫谈未来。

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-20 09:34:52

n. [电讯] 天线;[动] 触角,[昆] 触须

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-20 09:35:28

read against

昂电工 发表于 2016-5-23 08:50:41

hello    good day
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