命运号角 发表于 2016-5-21 15:36:19


The people who are super not into cryonics fall into a few general buckets:

Skeptic Type 1: The scientist with a valid argument about why cryonics might not be possible

The mainstream medical community is generally not on board with cryonics. No health insurance company will cover it, no government will subsidize it, no doctors will refer to it as a medical procedure.

Some skeptics make what seem to be valid points. Biochemist Ken Storey says, “We have many different organs and we know from research into preserving transplant organs that even if it were possible to successfully cryopreserve them, each would need to be cooled at a different rate and with a different mixture and concentration of cryoprotectants. Even if you only wanted to preserve the brain, it has dozens of different areas, which would need to be cryopreserved using different protocols.” Storey also points out just how tall an order it would be to “repair” someone damaged by vitrification, explaining that “a human cell has around 50,000 proteins and hundreds of millions of fat molecules that make up the membranes. Cryopreservation disrupts all of them.” (Alcor calls this statement patently false.)
有些怀疑的观点看起来有点道理:生物学家Ken Storey说“对于这么多种器官,从理论研究到成功保护移植器官,其中每一种器官的保存温度都不同,每一种器官保护液的混合比例,浓度都不一样。就算你只想保存大脑,它也分几十个区域,需要用不同的方式处理它们”。Storey还指出修复玻璃化的损伤难度是多大:“一个人体细胞膜由50000蛋白质,几亿脂肪分子组成”,低温储存打乱了所有分子排列。(Alcor声称这种观点完全错误)

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-21 15:38:20

n. 协议;草案;礼仪
vt. 拟定
vi. 拟定

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-21 15:38:38

dozens of
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