命运号角 发表于 2016-5-22 10:07:33


Others point to the towering challenge of either repairing a human brain or scanning one in order to upload it. Brazilian scientist Miguel Nicolelis emphasizes that the task of scanning a human brain would require, with today’s technology, “a million electron microscopes running in parallel for ten years.” Michael Hendricks, who studies the brains of roundworms, believes the challenge of reviving the qualities that make someone who they are is far too complex to achieve, explaining that “while it might be theoretically possible to preserve these features in dead tissue, that certainly is not happening now. The technology to do so, let alone the ability to read this information back out of such a specimen, does not yet exist even in principle.”
其他观点认为修复大脑和扫描上传大脑信息是极大的挑战。巴西科学家Miguel Nicolelis强调以当今技术扫描大脑需要100w个电子显微镜并联运行10年。研究蛔虫大脑的Michael Hendricks坚信把大脑修复成原样太复杂了,理论上保留坏死组织的功能是可能的,但不是现在。科技尚且如此落后,更别说读懂样品的信息,原则上不存在这样的可能性。

Cryonicist response: Totes
Cryonicists don’t really disagree with these people (Storey’s quote notwithstanding). They readily admit that the challenges of reviving someone from cryopreservation are insurmountable using today’s technology. They simply point out that A) there’s no scientific evidence that cryonics can’t work, B) we shouldn’t underestimate what future technology will be able to do (imagine how mind-blowing CRISPR would be to someone in the year 1700 and think about what the equivalent would be for us), and C) there have been some promising developments—like the recent well-preserved vitrified rabbit brain news—that suggest there’s reason for optimism.

I’m yet to hear a cryonicist say, “Cryonics will work.” They just don’t feel that this is a case where a lack of proof amounts to a lack of credibility. Alcor’s Science FAQ addresses this: “The burden of proof lies with those who make a claim that is inconsistent with existing well-established scientific theory. Cryonics is not inconsistent with well-established scientific theory … At no point does cryonics require that existing physical law be altered in any way.”

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-22 10:09:05

adj. 高耸的;卓越的;激烈的
v. 高翔(tower的ing形式)

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-22 10:09:33

run in parallel

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-25 08:58:32

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