命运号角 发表于 2016-5-25 09:10:31


Skeptic Type 3: The cryogenicist who doesn’t want the other cool kids to think he’s friends with cryonics, the weird outsider.

There’s an amusing little one-way rivalry going on between cryogenicists (who, remember, deal with the science of the effects of cold temperatures in general) and cryonicists. Cryogenicists tend to view cryonics like an astronomer would view astrology—or at least, that’s what they say publicly out of caution. They seem to sometimes admit that there could be sound science behind cryonics, but they also know that cryonics lacks credibility with the wider science community and they don’t want to get roped into that reputation problem by association (they also have very little sense of humor about people confusing the words cryogenics and cryonics).

Cryonicist response: Whatevs.

Skeptic Type 4: The person who believes that even if you can revive a vitrified person, it won’t really be them.

This relates to a philosophical quandary I explored in the post What Makes You You? Are “you” your body? Your brain? The data in your brain? Something less tangible like a soul? This all becomes highly relevant when we’re thinking about cryonics. It’s hard to read about cryonic revival, and especially the prospect of “waking up” in a virtual world you’ve been uploaded into, without asking, “But wait…will that still be me?”
这是我写的What Makes You You里的哲学难题。你的身体是你还是大脑是你?还是大脑里的数据?存在灵魂实体?这都和我们对人体冷冻法的看法有很大关系。冷冻复活是难以理解的,尤其是对被上传到虚拟世界的构想,如何问“那是我吗?”。
This is a common objection to cryonics, but few people will argue with conviction that they know the answer to this question one way or the other.

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-25 09:10:50

n. 竞争;对抗;竞赛

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-25 09:11:12

n. 困惑;窘境;为难

shakencity 发表于 2019-12-7 08:54:47


coolriselee 发表于 2024-2-4 09:34:16

Thank you for your sharing.
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