命运号角 发表于 2016-5-27 11:18:52


Argument: Cryonics is trying to play God and cheat death.

Typical cryonicist response: Is resuscitating someone whose heart has stopped playing God and cheating death? How about chemotherapy?

Argument: Cryonics is a scam.

Typical cryonicist response: The major cryonics companies are all nonprofits, the employees are paid modestly and the board members running the company (who are all signed up for cryonics themselves) aren’t paid at all. So who exactly is benefiting from this scam?

Argument: “If you have enough money , then you have enough money to help somebody in need today.” — Bioethicist Kenneth Goodman
争论:生物伦理学家Kenneth Goodman说:“如果你有足够的钱冷冻,那么你就有足够的钱帮助那些如今需要救济的人。”

Actual cryonicist response: “If you have enough money for health insurance (which costs a lot more than cryonics), then you have enough money to help somebody else in need today. In fact, if you have enough money for any discretionary expenditure (travel, sports, movies, beer), then you have enough money to help somebody in need today. Of all the ways people choose to spend substantial sums of money over a lifetime, singling out the health care choice of cryonics as selfish is completely arbitrary.”

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-27 11:19:13

adv. 谨慎地;适当地

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-27 11:20:03

single out

也无风雨 发表于 2018-5-8 09:23:50


jdpan 发表于 2018-5-28 10:21:20

shakencity 发表于 2018-12-12 08:43:54

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