命运号角 发表于 2016-5-31 13:29:43


Pro-cryonics scientist Ralph Merkle says it well:
前冷冻专家Ralph Merkle说得好:

The correct scientific answer to the question “Does cryonics work?” is: “The clinical trials are in progress. Come back in a century and we’ll give you an answer based on the outcome.” The relevant question for those of us who don’t expect to live that long is: “Would I rather be in the control group, or the experimental group?” We are forced by circumstances to answer that question without the benefit of knowing the results of the clinical trials.

The only way to shoot down a response that says, “We don’t know but we might as well try” is to say, “There is definitely no point in trying because it’s impossible.” And very few credible scientists would claim to have that conviction about things as mysterious as the workings of the brain and the possibilities of the far future.

The other thing that struck me as I learned about cryonics is that cryonicists aren’t usually “salesy” at all when they talk about cryonics. The impression I got from my research is that cryonicists tend to be well-educated, rational, realistic, and humble about what they know and don’t know. They readily admit the problems and shortcomings of the field and they’re careful to use measured, responsible language so as not to distort the nuances of the truth.And despite a general lack of support from the mainstream medical community, plenty of reputable scientists have become fervent cryonicists.

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-31 13:30:09

clinical trials

命运号角 发表于 2016-5-31 13:30:36

no point in trying

天各一方8 发表于 2017-4-12 08:36:19


shakencity 发表于 2018-12-19 08:35:03

The only way to shoot down a response that says, “We don’t know but we might as well try” is to say, “There is definitely no point in trying because it’s impossible.” And very few credible scientists would claim to have that conviction about things as mysterious as the workings of the brain and the possibilities of the far future.
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