命运号角 发表于 2016-6-5 12:44:05


Looking at this through a zoomed out lens was a big Whoa Moment epiphany for me. Suddenly, I saw the cryonicists of the world in the same light as those rare ancient people trying to understand how earthquakes work so they could be best prepared for the next one, and I realized that when I shook my head at Peter Thiel, I was being like one of the hordes of ancient people who worshipped the gods that had punished us with that earthquake and who wanted to burn those rare scientists at the stake for their blasphemous thinking.
通过深究我恍然大悟。突然我觉得冷冻专家就像古人尝试理解地震来准备好下一震。我认识到我对Peter Thiel的否定就像古游牧人崇拜上帝,认为地震是对他们的惩罚,他们要为冷冻专家的亵渎神灵处以火刑。

I started this post thinking I’d simply write a “mini post” about this little community of cryonicists and what they were trying to do and ended it staring at another example of today’s self-proclaimed science-minded rationalists being tomorrow’s idol-worshippers.

I also saw my conception of end-of-life morality flip itself on its head. At the beginning of my research, my question was, “Is cryonics an okay thing to do?” By the end, the question was , “Is it okay to not sign up a dying child for cryonics, or will future people view that the way we see a parent refusing to allow life-saving medical treatment to their child for religious reasons?”

命运号角 发表于 2016-6-5 12:44:30


命运号角 发表于 2016-6-5 12:44:52

n. 理性主义者,唯理主义者

爱伤影313 发表于 2016-9-25 08:59:32

爱伤影313 发表于 2016-9-25 08:59:41

命运号角 发表于 2016-10-10 08:47:12

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