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TCS1416 Type-C接口芯片

已有 501 次阅读2020-11-23 16:04

[color=#222222]The TCS1416 monitors the Type-C Configuration Channel (CC) lines to determine when an USB device is attached. If a sink device is attached, the TCS1416 applies power to VBUS though the P-MOSFET. When the sink device is removed, the switch will be turned off and discharge the VBUS to safe voltage.[/color]
[color=#222222]Due to integrated auto-detect and auto-switch circuitry, the TCS1416 can apply correct electrical signatures automatically on the USB data lines to charge compliant devices among Apple, Samsung and BC1.2 DCP modes.[/color]
[color=#222222]The TCS1416 can switch off P-MOSFET in order to protect the equipment when the supply power increased to 6.5V or the temperature of type-C connector is up to limit setting by NTC resistor.[/color]
[color=#222222]1. Features[/color]
[color=#222222]■ Operating voltage range: 4.5V to 7V[/color]
[color=#222222]■ Over temperature protection in case dust contamination on Type-C connector[/color]
[color=#222222]■ Over voltage protection on input source[/color]
[color=#222222]■ UFP indicator for USB Type-C while sink attached[/color]
[color=#222222]■ USB Type-C Rev. 1.2 compliant source controller[/color]
[color=#222222]- Supports 3A current advertisement[/color]
[color=#222222]■ Supports smart detection on D+ and D- lines[/color]
[color=#222222]- Battery Charging specification BC1.2 for DCP[/color]
[color=#222222]- Chinese Telecommunication industrial stand[/color]
[color=#222222]-ard YD/T 1591-2009[/color]
[color=#222222]- D+/D- option for Apple device 2.4A mode[/color]
[color=#222222]- D+/D- option for Samsung device[/color]
[color=#222222]■ 8kV HBM ESD rating on USB port pins[/color]
[color=#222222]■ MSOP8 package[/color]
[color=#222222]2. Applications[/color]
[color=#222222]■ USB wall Adapters[/color]
[color=#222222]■ USB car chargers[/color]
[color=#222222]■ Power Banks[/color]
[color=#222222]■ USB Peripherals[/color]
[color=#222222]TCS1416广泛应用于wall USB墙适配器、USB车载充电器、移动电源及USB外围设备,骊微电子更多相关TCS1416 MSOP8 Type-C接口芯片手册,原理图,电源输入输出规格,BOM 表和变压器参数以及安规和 EMI 测试数据等资料。[/color]






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回复 gardeb009 2020-11-24 08:14


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