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发表于 2019-11-25 19:03:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
C8051F320  10KHzPWM,占空比可调代码生成
#include "c8051f320.h"
#include <stdio.h>

// Global Variables

typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short int u16;
void SYSCLK_Init (void);
void CLKMUL_Init (void);
void Port_Init (void);
void PCA0_Init (void);
void UART0_Init (void);
void ReadState(void);
void Flash_erasure_and_Store(void);

unsigned int CEX0_Compare_Value;

unsigned char test = 0 ;  //?????????
/****************for reading******************/
unsigned char code test_c _at_ 0x3A00;
/****************for writing******************/
unsigned char xdata test_x _at_ 0x3A00;
extern unsigned char Key_num;

void ReadState(void)
  Key_num = test_c;
// SYSCLK_Init ()
// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// This routine initializes the system clock to use the internal 12 MHz
// oscillator as its clock source.  Also enables missing clock detector reset.
void SYSCLK_Init (void)
   OSCICN = 0x83;                      // Configure internal oscillator for
                                       // its highest frequency (12 MHz)

   RSTSRC = 0x04;                      // Enable missing clock detector
   CLKSEL = 0x00;                       // Switch SYSCLK to the IntOsc output

// CLKMUL_Init ()
// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// This routine initializes the Clock Multiplier using the Internal Oscillator
// as the source.
void CLKMUL_Init (void)
   char i;

   CLKMUL = 0x00;                      // Reset the Multiplier by writing 0x00
                                       // to register CLKMUL.

   CLKMUL |= 0x00;                     // Select the Multiplier input source
                                       // via the MULSEL bits.
                                       // '00'b = Internal Oscillator

   CLKMUL |= 0x80;                     // Enable the Multiplier with the MULEN
                                       // bit (CLKMUL | = 0x80).

   for (i = 35; i > 0; i--);           // Delay for >5 ?s.
                                       // At 12 MHz SYSCLK ~ 80 ns, so 5 us is
                                       // 61 SYSCLK counts. DJNZ = 2 clocks.

   CLKMUL |= 0xC0;                     // Initialize the Multiplier with the
                                       // MULINIT bit (CLKMUL | = 0xC0).

   while ((CLKMUL & 0x20) != 0x20);    // Poll for MULRDY => ??
   CLKSEL = 0x02;                       // Switch SYSCLK to the CLKMUL output

// Port_Init ()
// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// Configure the Crossbar and GPIO ports.
// P2.0   digital   open-drain    SW (switch)
// P2.2   digital   push-pull     LED
void PORT_Init (void)
   P0MDOUT |= 0x17;
   P2SKIP = 0xff;
   P0SKIP = 0xfc;
   XBR0     = 0x01;                    // TX0, RX0???????????P0.4??P0.5
   XBR1     = 0x42;                    // CEX0??CEX1??CEX2???????????

// PCA0_Init
// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// This function configures the PCA time base, and sets up 16-bit PWM output
// mode for Module 0 (CEX0 pin).
// The frequency of the PWM signal generated at the CEX0 pin is equal to the
// PCA main timebase frequency divided by 65536.
// The PCA time base in this example is configured to use SYSCLK, and SYSCLK
// is set up to use the internal oscillator running at 12 MHz.  Therefore,
// the frequency of the PWM signal will be 12 MHz / 65536 = 183.1 Hz.
// Using different PCA clock sources or a different processor clock will
// result in a different frequency for the PWM signal.
//    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//    How "16-Bit PWM Mode" Works:
//       The PCA's 16-bit PWM Mode works by setting an output pin low every
//    time the main 16-bit PCA counter (PCA0H) overflows, and then setting
//    the pin high whenever a specific match condition is met.
//    Upon a PCA0 overflow (PCA0 incrementing from 0xFFFF to 0x0000), the
//    CEXn pin will be set low.
//    When the PCA0 register increments and matches the PCA0CPn register for
//    the selected module, the CEXn pin will be set high, except when the
//    ECOMn bit in PCA0CPMn is cleared to '0'.  By varying the value of the
//    PCA0CPn register, the duty cycle of the waveform can also be varied.
//    When ECOMn = '1', the duty cycle of the PWM waveform is:
//       16-bit PWM Duty Cycle = (65536 - PCA0CPn) / 65536
//    To set the duty cycle to 100%, a value of 0x0000 should be loaded into
//    the PCA0CPn register for the module being used (with ECOMn set to '1').
//    When the value of PCA0CPn is equal to 0x0000, the pin will never be
//    set low.
//    To set the duty cycle to 0%, the ECOMn bit in the PCA0CPMn register
//    should be cleared to 0.  This prevents the PCA0CPn match from occuring,
//    which results in the pin never being set high.
// When adjusting the PWM duty cycle, the low byte of the PCA0CPn register
// (PCA0CPLn) should be written first, followed by the high byte (PCA0CPHn).
// Writing the low byte clears the ECOMn bit, and writing the high byte will
// restore it.  This ensures that a match does not occur until the full
// 16-bit value has been written to the compare register.  Writing the high
// byte first will result in the ECOMn bit being set to '0' after the 16-bit
// write, and the duty cycle will also go to 0%.
// It is also advisable to wait until just after a match occurs before
// updating the PWM duty cycle.  This will help ensure that the ECOMn
// bit is not cleared (by writing PCA0CPLn) at the time when a match was
// supposed to happen.  This code implements the compare register update in
// the PCA ISR upon a match interrupt.
//    -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PCA0_Init (void)
   // Configure PCA time base; overflow interrupt disabled
   PCA0CN = 0x00;                      // Stop counter; clear all flags
   PCA0MD = 0x08;                      // Use SYSCLK as time base

   PCA0CPM0 = 0x42;                    // Module 0 = 8-bit PWM mode

   // Configure initial PWM duty cycle = 50%
   PCA0CPH0 = 256 - (256 * 0.5);

   // Start PCA counter
   CR = 1;
   PCA0CPM0 = 0xCB;                    // Module 0 = 16-bit PWM mode and
                                       // enable Module 0 Match and Interrupt
                                       // Flags

   // Configure initial PWM duty cycle = 50%
   CEX0_Compare_Value = 65536 - (65536 * 0.5);

   PCA0CPL0 = (CEX0_Compare_Value & 0x00FF);
   PCA0CPH0 = (CEX0_Compare_Value & 0xFF00)>>8;

   EIE1 |= 0x10;                       // Enable PCA interrupts

   // Start PCA counter
   CR = 1;

// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// This is the ISR for the PCA.  It handles the case when a match occurs on
// channel 0, and updates the PCA0CPn compare register with the value held in
// the global variable "CEX0_Compare_Value".
void PCA0_ISR (void) interrupt 11
   CCF0 = 0;                           // Clear module 0 interrupt flag.

   PCA0CPL0 = (CEX0_Compare_Value & 0x00FF);
   PCA0CPH0 = (CEX0_Compare_Value & 0xFF00)>>8;
void Delay_us(unsigned int i)
  unsigned int k = 0;
  for(k = 0;k < i;k++);
void Delay_ms(unsigned int i)
  unsigned int j = 0;
  unsigned int k = 0;
  for(k = 0;k < i;k++)
      for(j = 0;j < 1000;j++);

void Flash_erasure_and_Store(void)
  //EA = 0;                     //disable interrupt
  FLKEY = 0xA5;
  FLKEY = 0xF1;
  PSCTL |= 0x03;       //allow to erase or write
  test_x = 0;    //erase
  FLKEY = 0xA5;
  FLKEY = 0xF1;
  PSCTL &= 0xFD;   //clear PSEE AND PSWE
  test_x = Key_num;
  PSCTL = 0;

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发表于 2019-11-25 19:09:21 | 显示全部楼层

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