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1抓取京东商品详情页数据到csv---Python |
[/free]# 爬取京东商品详情页信息
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import os #os模块包含普遍的操作系统功能 import csv import re import json import time # 爬取页面链接 def make_a_link(keyword, page): try: url='https://search.jd.com/Search?keyword='+ keyword + '&enc=utf-8&page=' + str(2 * page - 1) r = requests.get(url) #如果状态码是40X或者50X,那么可以使用Response.raise_for_status()抛出一下异常 # 如果是返回200,则raise_for_status()并不会抛出异常。 r.raise_for_status print('正在爬取第{}页...'.format(page)) print('---' * 45) r.encoding = 'gbk' print(url) return r.text except: print('链接错误!!!') return '' #查找每件商品的页面链接 def find_only_link(html): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') links = soup.find_all('div', class_='gl-i-wrap') return (link.find('div', class_='p-name p-name-type-2').a['href'] for link in links) # 页面链接的生成表达式 # 链接单页面 def link_to_url(link): try: r = requests.get(link) r.raise_for_status r.encoding = 'gbk' return r.text except: print('此页无法链接!!!') return '' # 爬取商品价格 def getprice(purl): uid = re.match(r'.+?(\d+).+', purl).group(1) content = link_to_url('https://p.3.cn/prices/mgets?skuIds=J_' + uid) jd = json.loads(content.lstrip('[').rstrip(']\n')) # 生成json数据格式 return jd['p'] # 爬取商品评论 def getcomment(purl): uid = re.match(r'.+?(\d+).+', purl).group(1) content = link_to_url('https://club.jd.com/comment/productCommentSummaries.action?referenceIds=' + uid) jd = json.loads(content) comment = [] jds = jd['CommentsCount'][0] comment.append(jds['CommentCountStr']) # 评论数 comment.append(jds['GoodCountStr']) # 好评数 comment.append(jds['GoodRate']) # 好评率 return comment # 爬取商品名称 def getname(purl): uid = re.match(r'.+?(\d+).+', purl).group(1) content = link_to_url('https://c.3.cn/recommend?&methods=accessories&sku=' + uid + '&cat=9987%2C653%2C655') try: jd = json.loads(content) return jd['accessories']['data']['wName'] except: return '' # 爬取卖家 def getseller(purl): uid = re.match(r'.+?(\d+).+', purl).group(1) content = link_to_url('https://chat1.jd.com/api/checkChat?pid=' + uid + '&returnCharset=utf-8') try: jd = json.loads(content.lstrip('null(').rstrip(');')) try: return jd['seller'] except: return '' except: '' # 保存到csv def save_to_csv(ulist, keyword): path = 'F:/Python代码/爬虫/' #路径 # if not os.path.exists(path): #是否存在该目录 # os.mkdir(path) #创建目录 with open(path + '京东' + keyword + '数据.csv', 'w+') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) #写入csv writer.writerow(['商品', '价格', '店铺', '链接', '评论数', '好评数', '好评率']) for i in range(len(ulist)): if ulist and ulist[0]: writer.writerow( [ulist[0], ulist[1], ulist[2], ulist[3], ulist[4], ulist[5], ulist[6]]) # 主函数 def relmain(keyword): # 高阶函数 def main(page): r = re.compile(r'.*?html') ulist = [] for p in range(page): p += 1 text = make_a_link(keyword, p) for url in find_only_link(text): ul = [] if r.match(url): if getname(url): ul.append(getname(url)) # 商品名称 ul.append(getprice(url)) # 价格 ul.append(getseller(url)) # 店铺 ul.append('https:' + url) # 链接 ul.extend(getcomment(url)) # 评论 ulist.append(ul) #列表中含有列表 可以看做是二维数组 save_to_csv(ulist, keyword) return main if __name__ == '__main__': keyword = input('输入要爬取的商品:') pages = int(input('输入要爬取的页数:')) time_start = time.time() relmain(keyword)(pages) print('耗时{}秒。'.format(time.time() - time_start)) # 爬取所需时间[free]
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