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[paragraph]1. 鼠线的处理
Layout的缺省设置并不是让飞线最短化。一开始布元件时,飞线实在是密如蛛网,晕头转向。Tools\length minimization (CRTL+M)也没有用,硬着头皮在缺省设置下完成了元件布局。几欲faint。后来才发现其实没有设置好。正确或者说方便的设置应该是让飞线最短并且在移动中始终最短。
Setup\design rules\default rules\routing\ topologytype\minimize 这样在按CTRL+M,很多飞线就消失了,也就最短。
2. 移动中鼠线处理
Setup\preference\length minimize\during moving这样移动元件是飞线始终最短。很多飞线其实是地线。可以把地线的飞线先hide起来。并把地线的net设置成比较特殊的颜色。这样就布局就方便多了。*
3. 字体属性的修改
单击鼠标右键,选select components, 再单击右键,选 select all(CTRL+A)。再单击右键,选query/modify (CTRL+Q), part outline width 输入想要的宽度,下面选label,选Ref. Des. Press the big button under it. 弹出新窗口, input the value you want atsize and width. Press OK. Then the size, width , even the part outline width aresame.
4. 加过孔
击老鼠右键,check “select net”, select the net you want toadd via, usually, GND net, the GND is high light. Then right click mouse again,select “ add via”, then you can add vias which are connected to GND net. Freelyand put them wherever you want. Remember, if the GND net is hide andset to a special color, no connection for these vias, but they are same color asother pads and trace in GND net.
5. 覆铜。覆铜应该是PADS的一大优点。快了很多。对于焊盘可以选择铜是盖过去(flood over)还是用对角(orthogonal,diagonal)连接。对某一个形状的焊盘只能一种设置。如果有几个圆形焊盘希望铜铺过去,而几个相同的圆形焊盘想用梅花连接。 |