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硅技术将向10nm发展韩国三星先进技术研究所总裁兼CEO Kinam Kim 博士在2012年中国国际半导体技术大会(CSTIC2012)带来主题为“探索硅技术的前景(Exploring Si Technology’s Horizon)”的精彩演讲。Kim博士表示,闪存技术是否会主导未来的存储市场,2012到2015年集成光电路等技术将取得进展,硅技术将向10nm发展,并同时推动DRAM、NAND闪存等产业的发展。Kim在演讲中指出,在DRAM和NAND闪存等方面, Kim博士在演讲中表示,如果能够充分导入三维NAND闪存技术,将在未来应用新技术、在新领域以新的方式实现新的工艺。Kim博士预计在2015年以后,硅技术将会继续拥有极大的发展前景与空间,利用先进的制造技术,实现10nm以下的工艺互联,并提高芯片的集成度。此外,Kim博士还在演讲中提到,三星电子将在未来实现“智能IT,健康生活、绿色世界”这三点为主题,特别是在医疗电子的应用方面,拓宽新领域与新的市场。Kinam Kim received his BS in electronic engineering in 1981 from Seoul National University and his MS in electrical engineering from the KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) in 1983. He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California Los Angeles, CA. in 1994. Dr. Kim joined Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. In 1981, where he lead the development of various memory technologies (64Kb to 4Giga-bit densities for DRAM, 2Gb to 32Gb and beyond for NAND Flash, and emerging new memories such as PRAM) and other important technologies like CMOS Image Sensor for almost 30 years. During this time he awarded the grand prize of the Samsung Group twice in 1986 and 1996 for his achievements on 1Mb DRAM and 1Gb DRAM. He successfully led and was awarded for the development of 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb, 16Gb and 32Gb NAND Flash. He has published more than 430 technical papers and over 130 patents. He is an IEEE fellow and a Samsung fellow. He has shown his leadership in the semiconductor fields through plenary talks, invited speeches and participating in the panel discussions in VLSI technology symposiums, IEDM, ISSCC among others. He has been the recipient of ISI’s citation award for highly cited paper, 2008 Professional Achievement award of UCLA School of Engineering, IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Storage data device technology award in 2009, to name a few. He has also received the Gold Tower order of Industrial Service Merit from the Korean government in 2010. |