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在公司用Allegro 17.4 转pads ,安装论坛上的教程,成功转换。
用自己电脑转(也是Allegro 17.4),设置完用户环境变量,在Allegro 中输入命令时就有问题了。我把错误复制在下面:(文件路径是全英文的)
skill load "dfl_main.il"
main out
Please wait...extracting and processingtechnology file
Deleting Existing Classes File
Deleting Existing Props File
Deleting Existing Board Items File
Exporting Electrical Constraints...
extracting device files
Error: create_devices command failed!
extracting Net Properties
extracting Board Extent
Cannot open script file; 'D:/Allegro.scr'does not exist.
DCprocessWidthTable - DEFAULT width used
extracting padstacks
extracting padstack completed
extracting Placement
leaving placement
extracting Device Pads
devices pads extraction completed
extracting Board Areas
Loading skillExt.cxt
(SPMHA1-161): Cannot openthe design because of database problems. Run the dbdoctor command on the designand try to open again.
(SPMHDB-95): Padstack VIA16 not found.Purging it from DIFF90 constraint set will eliminate warning.
* 2 error(s) generated, viewinterfacelog.txt
D:/Allegroxuexi/20220607/WATCH_TS35_V2_202205191743-6_MGC/Work/LayoutDB.dfl OutputComplete.
Generating Padstack HKP FIle.
Create .PAD Definitions.
Create .HOLE Definitions.
Create .PADSTACK Definitions.
Generating Cell HKP File.
Info: Database transaction started.
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"ANTENK_FPC03_13"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"LGA-12-2X2X100"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"CRYSTAL-4P-3225-H1A"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"DFN8L-200X200"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"QFN52-040-600X600"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"QFN20-040-300X300"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"ANTENK_FPC03_15"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"R0603"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"R0402"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"R0805"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"SOT-723"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"C0603"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"LGA8"
Cell HKP Added temp instance of symbol:"C0402"
Current Symbol: C0402
Current Symbol: LGA8
Current Symbol: C0603
Current Symbol: SOT-723
Current Symbol: R0805
Current Symbol: TP20
Current Symbol: SOD-523
Current Symbol: WIFI
Current Symbol: R0402
Current Symbol: C0201
Current Symbol: TH120_CR300
Current Symbol: R0603
Current Symbol: R0201
Current Symbol: ANTENK_FPC03_15
Current Symbol: QFN20-040-300X300
Current Symbol: QFN52-040-600X600
Current Symbol: DFN8L-200X200
Current Symbol: CRYSTAL-4P-3225-H1A
Current Symbol: LGA-12-2X2X100
Current Symbol: ANTENK_FPC03_13
Cannot open script file;'D:/Allegro.scr' does not exist.
Removing temporarily added symbols.
14 symbols removed.
Creating Net Properties
Creating Net Class
---------------------- Al2Exp summary----------------------
Al2Exp - 2 error(s), 6 warning(s)
Export log file saved at "D:/Allegroxuexi/20220607/WATCH_TS35_V2_202205191743-6_MGC\LogFiles\interfacelog.txt"file
Run "show log" command to viewlog file
------------------------------ Done-------------------------------
Form field label not found
红色标出是错误位置。求大神帮忙看看是哪里问题,谢谢! |