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It used to be 800 people getting together once a year; now it’s about a million people a day watching TED Talks online. When we first put up a few of the talks as an experiment, we got such impassioned responses that we decided to flip the organization on its head and think of ourselves not so much as a conference but as “ideas worth spreading,” building a big website around it. The conference is still the engine, but the website is the amplifier that takes the ideas to the world. |
The TED brand has expanded in a lot of ways, but maybe most notably through TEDx conferences. This can be a little confusing, so here’s the deal: |
There’s still one annual TED conference, a week-long event in Vancouver, and it’s run by the TED staff. A TEDx conference is independently run, |
but it has to follow a set of guidelines laid out by TED so that it fits with the overall brand. There are now over 1,500 annual TEDx events that |
happen in over 130 countries, some of them major, high-profile conferences; |
others tiny and little-known.The best TEDx talks are posted on TED.com, alongside the talks that happen at the main conference in Vancouver. |
刚开始差不多有800人去参加,现在大约有100w人在网上看TED。 |
我们刚开始找出一些TED演讲做实验,得到了强烈的反响,我们就提示TED不要把它当作会议,而是当作传播好想法的媒介,并用网站推广它。会议还是“发动机”,网站只是传播好想法的“放大器”。 |
TED被以各种方式传播,尤其是一些独立组织的TEDx活动。TEDx是什么呢:TED每年还是会在温哥华举行一周,TEDx是独立运行的,但是它还是要遵循TED的规则才能被称为TED。现在TEDx遍及130个国家,每年举行1500多场,一些是专业,知名度高的,一些是小型的。最大的TEDx也被发布在TED.com上而且位于温哥华TED会议中心旁边。 |