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MNT will be a game-changer in an unimaginable number of arenas, one of which is in medicine. A brain synapse is just a particular configuration of atoms, so if we have the tools to move atoms around and put them where we want, then we can perfectly “repair” a damaged synapse. Cryonicists believe MNT is the key to the future revival and restoration of cryonics patients.
The first thought some people have when they think about revival is that the person would be revived as the old and dying person they were before being vitrified. But that’s not the plan. When we get to the point when we have technology so incredible that we can move atoms around well enough to revive someone, we should also have the technology to repair and rejuvenate them. For someone who was dying of cancer before going into the thermos, not only will their successful revival mean that cancer has likely been conquered long ago, but probably aging too.
一些人看待复活第一想法是把老死之人复活到玻璃化之前的状态。但那不是冷冻的目的。当我们的技术达到掌控原子,复活人的地步,我们也就能把人变年轻。而对于死于癌症进入容器的病人,攻克复活等于早就攻克了癌症,衰老也同理。 |