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[table=100%,#ffddff]/*[/table]***************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2014 - 2015 Bosch Sensortec GmbH** bmm050_support.c* Date: 2015/05/21* Revision: 1.0.5 $** Usage: Sensor Driver support file for BMM050 and BMM150 sensor****************************************************************************** License:** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:** Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.** Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.** Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of the* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from* this software without specific prior written permission.** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND* CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED* WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE* DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL COPYRIGHT HOLDER* OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY* DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY,* OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,* PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;* LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)* HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT* (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN* ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS* SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE** The information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable.* The copyright holder assumes no responsibility* for the consequences of use* of such information nor for any infringement of patents or* other rights of third parties which may result from its use.* No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or* patent rights of the copyright holder.**************************************************************************//*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Includes*//*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "bmm050.h"/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* The following functions are used for reading and writing of* sensor data using I2C or SPI communication*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#ifdef BMM050_API/* \Brief: The function is used as I2C bus read* \Return : Status of the I2C read* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be read* \param reg_data : This data read from the sensor, which is hold in an array* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be read*/s8 BMM050_I2C_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt);/* \Brief: The function is used as I2C bus write* \Return : Status of the I2C write* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be written* \param reg_data : It is a value hold in the array,* will be used for write the value into the register* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be write*/s8 BMM050_I2C_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt);/* \Brief: The function is used as SPI bus write* \Return : Status of the SPI write* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be written* \param reg_data : It is a value hold in the array,* will be used for write the value into the register* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be write*/s8 BMM050_SPI_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt);/* \Brief: The function is used as SPI bus read* \Return : Status of the SPI read* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be read* \param reg_data : This data read from the sensor, which is hold in an array* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be read*/s8 BMM050_SPI_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt);/** \Brief: SPI/I2C init routine*/s8 I2C_routine(void);s8 SPI_routine(void);#endif/********************End of I2C/SPI function declarations***********************//* Brief : The delay routine* \param : delay in ms*/void BMM050_delay_msek(u32 msek);/* This function is an example for reading sensor data* \param: None* \return: communication result*/s32 bmm050_data_readout_template(void);/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------** struct bmm050 parameters can be accessed by using bmm050_t* bmm050 having the following parameters* Bus write function pointer: BMM050_WR_FUNC_PTR* Bus read function pointer: BMM050_RD_FUNC_PTR* Burst read function pointer: BMM050_BRD_FUNC_PTR* Delay function pointer: delay_msec* I2C address: dev_addr* Chip id of the sensor: chip_id*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/struct bmm050 bmm050_t;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* This function is an example for reading sensor data* \param: None* \return: communication result*/s32 bmm050_data_readout_template(void){/* Structure used for read the mag xyz data*/struct bmm050_mag_data_s16_t data;/* Structure used for read the mag xyz data with 32 bit output*/struct bmm050_mag_s32_data_t data_s32;/* Structure used for read the mag xyz data with float output*/struct bmm050_mag_data_float_t data_float;/* Variable used to get the data rate*/u8 v_data_rate_u8 = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;/* Variable used to set the data rate*/u8 v_data_rate_value_u8 = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;/* result of communication results*/s32 com_rslt = ERROR;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------************************ START INITIALIZATION *************************--------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Based on the user need configure I2C or SPI interface.* It is sample code to explain how to use the bmm050 API*/#ifdef BMM050_APII2C_routine();/*SPI_routine(); */#endif/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------** This function used to assign the value/reference of* the following parameters* I2C address* Bus Write* Bus read* company_id*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/com_rslt = bmm050_init(&bmm050_t);/* For initialization it is required to set the mode of* the sensor as "NORMAL"* but before set the mode needs to configure the power control bit* in the register 0x4B bit BMM050_INIT_VALUE should be enabled* This bit is enabled by calling bmm050_init function* For the Normal data acquisition/read/write is possible in this mode* by using the below API able to set the power mode as NORMAL*//* Set the power mode as NORMAL*/com_rslt += bmm050_set_functional_state(BMM050_NORMAL_MODE);/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------************************** END INITIALIZATION **************************---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*------------------------------------------------------------------------************************** START GET and SET FUNCTIONS DATA *****************---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* This API used to Write the data rate of the sensor, inputvalue have to be givendata rate value set from the register 0x4C bit 3 to 5*/v_data_rate_value_u8 = BMM050_DATA_RATE_30HZ;/* set data rate of 30Hz*/com_rslt += bmm050_set_data_rate(v_data_rate_value_u8);/* This API used to read back the written value of data rate*/com_rslt += bmm050_get_data_rate(&v_data_rate_u8);/*-----------------------------------------------------------------************************** END GET and SET FUNCTIONS *****************-------------------------------------------------------------------*//*------------------------------------------------------------------************************** START READ SENSOR DATA(X,Y and Z axis) *********------------------------------------------------------------------*//* accessing the bmm050_mdata parameter by using data*/com_rslt += bmm050_read_mag_data_XYZ(&data);/* Reads the mag x y z data*//* accessing the bmm050_mdata_float parameter by using data_float*/com_rslt += bmm050_read_mag_data_XYZ_float(&data_float);/* Reads mag xyz data output as 32bit value*//* accessing the bmm050_mdata_s32 parameter by using data_s32*/com_rslt += bmm050_read_mag_data_XYZ_s32(&data_s32);/* Reads mag xyz data output as float value*//*--------------------------------------------------------------------************************** END READ SENSOR DATA(X,Y and Z axis) *************-------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*-----------------------------------------------------------------------************************** START DE-INITIALIZATION ************************-------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* For de-initialization it is required to set the mode of* the sensor as "SUSPEND"* the SUSPEND mode set from the register 0x4B bit BMM050_INIT_VALUE should be disabled* by using the below API able to set the power mode as SUSPEND*//* Set the power mode as SUSPEND*/com_rslt += bmm050_set_functional_state(BMM050_SUSPEND_MODE);/*---------------------------------------------------------------------************************** END DE-INITIALIZATION ***********************---------------------------------------------------------------------*/return com_rslt;}#ifdef BMM050_API/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* The following function is used to map the I2C bus read, write, delay and* device address with global structure bmm050_t*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/s8 I2C_routine(void) {/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* By using bmm050_t the following structure parameter can be accessed* Bus write function pointer: BMM050_WR_FUNC_PTR* Bus read function pointer: BMM050_RD_FUNC_PTR* Delay function pointer: delay_msec* I2C address: dev_addr*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/bmm050_t.bus_write = BMM050_I2C_bus_write;bmm050_t.bus_read = BMM050_I2C_bus_read;bmm050_t.delay_msec = BMM050_delay_msek;bmm050_t.dev_addr = BMM050_I2C_ADDRESS;return BMM050_INIT_VALUE;}/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//* The following function is used to map the SPI bus read, write and delay* with global structure bmm050_t*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/s8 SPI_routine(void) {/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------** By using bmm050_t the following structure parameter can be accessed* Bus write function pointer: BMM050_WR_FUNC_PTR* Bus read function pointer: BMM050_RD_FUNC_PTR* Delay function pointer: delay_msec*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/bmm050_t.bus_write = BMM050_SPI_bus_write;bmm050_t.bus_read = BMM050_SPI_bus_read;bmm050_t.delay_msec = BMM050_delay_msek;return BMM050_INIT_VALUE;}/************** SPI/I2C buffer length ******/#define I2C_BUFFER_LEN 8#define SPI_BUFFER_LEN 5#define MASK_DATA1 0xFF#define MASK_DATA2 0x80#define MASK_DATA3 0x7F#define C_BMM050_ONE_U8X (1)#define C_BMM050_TWO_U8X (2)/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*** This is a sample code for read and write the data by using I2C/SPI* Use either I2C or SPI based on your need* The device address defined in the bmm050.h file**-----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* \Brief: The function is used as I2C bus write* \Return : Status of the I2C write* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be written* \param reg_data : It is a value hold in the array,* will be used for write the value into the register* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be write*/s8 BMM050_I2C_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt){s32 iError = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;u8 array[I2C_BUFFER_LEN];u8 stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;array[BMM050_INIT_VALUE] = reg_addr;for (stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++) {array[stringpos + C_BMM050_ONE_U8X] = *(reg_data + stringpos);}/** Please take the below function as your reference for* write the data using I2C communication* "IERROR = I2C_WRITE_STRING(DEV_ADDR, ARRAY, CNT+C_BMM050_ONE_U8X)"* add your I2C write function here* iError is an return value of I2C read function* Please select your valid return value* In the driver SUCCESS defined as BMM050_INIT_VALUE* and FAILURE defined as -C_BMM050_ONE_U8X* Note :* This is a full duplex operation,* The first read data is discarded, for that extra write operation* have to be initiated. For that cnt+C_BMM050_ONE_U8X operation done in the I2C write string function* For more information please refer data sheet SPI communication:*/return (s8)iError;}/* \Brief: The function is used as I2C bus read* \Return : Status of the I2C read* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be read* \param reg_data : This data read from the sensor, which is hold in an array* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be read*/s8 BMM050_I2C_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt){s32 iError = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;u8 array[I2C_BUFFER_LEN] = {BMM050_INIT_VALUE};u8 stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;array[BMM050_INIT_VALUE] = reg_addr;/* Please take the below function as your reference* for read the data using I2C communication* add your I2C rad function here.* "IERROR = I2C_WRITE_READ_STRING(DEV_ADDR, ARRAY, ARRAY, C_BMM050_ONE_U8X, CNT)"* iError is an return value of SPI write function* Please select your valid return value* In the driver SUCCESS defined as BMM050_INIT_VALUE* and FAILURE defined as -C_BMM050_ONE_U8X*/for (stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++) {*(reg_data + stringpos) = array[stringpos];}return (s8)iError;}/* \Brief: The function is used as SPI bus read* \Return : Status of the SPI read* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be read* \param reg_data : This data read from the sensor, which is hold in an array* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be read*/s8 BMM050_SPI_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt){s32 iError=BMM050_INIT_VALUE;u8 array[SPI_BUFFER_LEN]={MASK_DATA1};u8 stringpos;/* For the SPI mode only 7 bits of register addresses are used.The MSB of register address is declared the bit what functionality it isread/write (read as C_BMM050_ONE_U8X/write as BMM050_INIT_VALUE)*/array[BMM050_INIT_VALUE] = reg_addr|MASK_DATA2;/*read routine is initiated register address is mask with 0x80*//** Please take the below function as your reference for* read the data using SPI communication* " IERROR = SPI_READ_WRITE_STRING(ARRAY, ARRAY, CNT+C_BMM050_ONE_U8X)"* add your SPI read function here* iError is an return value of SPI read function* Please select your valid return value* In the driver SUCCESS defined as BMM050_INIT_VALUE* and FAILURE defined as -1* Note :* This is a full duplex operation,* The first read data is discarded, for that extra write operation* have to be initiated. For that cnt+C_BMM050_ONE_U8X operation done in the SPI read* and write string function* For more information please refer data sheet SPI communication:*/for (stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++) {*(reg_data + stringpos) = array[stringpos+C_BMM050_ONE_U8X];}return (s8)iError;}/* \Brief: The function is used as SPI bus write* \Return : Status of the SPI write* \param dev_addr : The device address of the sensor* \param reg_addr : Address of the first register, will data is going to be written* \param reg_data : It is a value hold in the array,* will be used for write the value into the register* \param cnt : The no of byte of data to be write*/s8 BMM050_SPI_bus_write(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt){s32 iError = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;u8 array[SPI_BUFFER_LEN * C_BMM050_TWO_U8X];u8 stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE;for (stringpos = BMM050_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++) {/* the operation of (reg_addr++)&0x7F done: because it ensure theBMM050_INIT_VALUE and C_BMM050_ONE_U8X of the given valueIt is done only for 8bit operation*/array[stringpos * C_BMM050_TWO_U8X] = (reg_addr++) & MASK_DATA3;array[stringpos * C_BMM050_TWO_U8X + C_BMM050_ONE_U8X] = *(reg_data + stringpos);}/* Please take the below function as your reference* for write the data using SPI communication* add your SPI write function here.* "IERROR = SPI_WRITE_STRING(ARRAY, CNT*C_BMM050_TWO_U8X)"* iError is an return value of SPI write function* Please select your valid return value* In the driver SUCCESS defined as BMM050_INIT_VALUE* and FAILURE defined as -1*/return (s8)iError;}/* Brief : The delay routine* \param : delay in ms*/void BMM050_delay_msek(u32 msek){/*Here you can write your own delay routine*/}
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